
Survivors of sexual and gender-based violence in our community desperately need support services. Your fundraising efforts will help Amelia Rising ensure that every survivor who comes through our doors or calls our Centre has the ability to receive the counselling, education, outreach, and advocacy support they need. Fundraising is a great way to help support our centre while engaging the community. It is a good way to support survivors like yourself, friends, or family in the Nipissing area. Advocacy can be an important part of healing as well as building a culture of consent and making social change

To conduct a fundraiser, we ask that you please read the Amelia Rising Third Party Fundraising Guide and submit the Amelia Rising Third Party Fundraiser Application Form to [email protected] to get approval for the fundraiser. 

Third Party Fundraising Guide and Toolkit

Amelia Rising encourages third-party fundraisers that align with the mission, vision, and values of our centre. Prior approval is required to hold a third-party fundraiser. Approval is based on the type, theme, and financial viability of the fundraiser. Amelia Rising reserves the right to withhold the use of our organization’s name and logo from any fundraiser, initiative, or promotion if we determine it is inappropriate or does not match the mission, vision, and values of our centre.

Please read the Amelia Rising Third Party Fundraising Guide prior to submitting the Amelia Rising Third Party Fundraiser Application Form to [email protected]



Organized by Chelsea LeBlanc

This year is the fourth annual #ITriForAmelia where Chelsea will swim, cycle and run about to raise awareness and funds for Amelia Rising. As a trauma survivor herself she wants to bring awareness to our organization in hopes that someone who is a victim of abuse can find solace in the people and the programs offered by Amelia Rising and be on their way to survivorship.

“We need to stand together as community and help those struggling to rise from the ashes. Your donations will help those in need today. ”

If you want to donate to #ITriForAmelia you can click here to go Chelsea’s CanadaHelps page.