Online Safety Digital Violence Guidebook
Click here to access the PDF version of our guidebook.
Sex Positive Families
Sex Positive Families provides education and resources that help families raise sexually healthy children using a shame-free, comprehensive, and pleasure-positive approach.
Teen Talk
We provide services for youth from a harm reduction, prevention education perspective. We focus on sexuality, reproductive health, body image, substance use awareness, mental health, issues of diversity, and anti-violence issues. We adhere to the belief that by providing youth with accurate, non-judgemental information they can make healthier decisions and choices for themselves!
Amaze takes the awkward out of sex ed. Real info in fun, animated videos that give you all the answers you actually want to know about sex, your body, and relationships. Amaze is also on Snap and Instagram!
Explaining Consent & Sexual Violence
Explaining Consent and Sexual Violence answers questions such as: What is Consent? How do I give it/ get it? What is not Consent? What is the Age of Consent? What is the difference between Sexual Harassment, Assault, and Violence?